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Before you apply, please make sure you have completed the following steps:
- Read the instructions on How to Apply;
- Ensure that you (or the person you represent) are (is) eligible to apply
- Observe the 30-day waiting period after vaccination;
- Complete, sign and date an Application Form in English, French or Spanish (only);
- Ask one or more Registered Healthcare Professionals to complete, sign and date a Supporting Evidence Form in English, French or Spanish (only);
- Gather all supporting documents—in any language—that are required to be submitted together with the Application Form or Supporting Evidence Form; and
- Check that you have satisfied all the requirements outlined in the Application Checklist (i.e. by ticking “YES” to all the boxes in the Checklist).
All Program forms and other documents are available here: Printable Program Forms and Other Documents.
If you have completed steps 1 to 7 above, then you are ready to apply. Here is how you can submit your Application:
- Online
- By email
- By regular mail
Please note that the Program’s application process will come to an end on 30 June 2027 and that no further Applications will be accepted by the Administrator after this date.
Apply Online
To apply online, you must:
- Complete and submit the Application Form online; and
- Upload and submit online your Supporting Evidence Form and other supporting documents.
Once you have completed and submitted the Application Form online, you will receive a personal Application number on the confirmation page following your submission and by email. You will need that Application number in order to upload and submit online your Supporting Evidence Form and other supporting documents that are required to be provided under the Application Form or Supporting Evidence Form.
You can complete and submit the Application Form online here:
You must upload and submit online your Supporting Evidence Form and other supporting documents promptly after submitting the online Application Form.
You can upload and submit your Supporting Evidence Form and other supporting documents online here: Submit your supporting documents.
Apply by Email
To apply by email, you must send completed, signed and dated copies of your Application Form and Supporting Evidence Form, as well as copies of your other supporting documents, as attachments to the following email address: [email protected].
Apply by Regular Mail
The Program has Regional Centers across the world.
To apply by regular mail, please send completed, signed and dated originals of your Application Form and Supporting Evidence Form, as well as copies of your other supporting documents, via regular mail to the Regional Center that services the AMC Eligible Economy in which the Vaccine was administered to you or to the person you represent.
You can find the list of the Program’s Regional Centers, together with their mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and the names of the AMC Eligible Economies that they service, on the Contact page.
Acknowledgement of receipt of an Application
All Application Forms will be time and date stamped by the Administrator upon their receipt. Within 24 hours of receipt by the Administrator, the Administrator will send you an acknowledgement (by email or by mail) of receipt of your Application materials, which will include your Application number, the name of the assigned claim representative of the Administrator and his/her direct contact information.